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Trivision Billboard After The Toll Gate Bridge Gani Fawehinmi Park, Ojota, Lagos. Available

Lagos, Ojota
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  • Quantity 2


This Trivision BILLBOARD is located after the toll gate bridge  Gani Fawehinmi Park, Ojota, Lagos, Nigeria. A high commercialized area that is sure to get your message across. This exclusively placed and positioned billboard at ojota is seen by passages of business-orientated mindset who make quick and easy decisions at a go. it racks up to 7,000,000 views per day on an estimated value. this area is commonly known as a hotspot connection to many places on the mainland like Ogudu, Ikeja, Ojudu, etc. As a final addition, the billboard can be seen by Those round the Berger-Ojudu-Ogudu-Ikorodu.

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